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Sacks on Santa Fe

Sacks on Santa Fe is a boutique clothing store located in charming Downtown Overland Park!  We have women and men resale clothing and a selection of accessories, home décor and furniture items. All items have been professionally cleaned and quality checked before appearing on our showroom floor. Attractive and roomy dressing rooms are available to preview your selections. New items are frequently donated by local clothing stores and offered at a remarkable discounts. Our inventory includes menswear, ladies wear, formal wear for men & women, bridal gowns, sportswear, shoes, purses, jewelry, scarves, gloves and hats.

Please review our donation guidelines at the bottom of this page if you have items that you would like to donate.

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Resale Items Needed

Currently, we are looking for donations of gently used Women’s and Men’s clothing. 

Please visit our Facebook & Instagram pages to see what has come into the store lately!

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Come See Us During Third Fridays in Downtown OP!

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Sacks is open late for Local Life Nights from 5-8 pm. Every third Friday of the month enjoy the festivities of Downtown Overland Park’s with food, music, art, and more! Other stores are also open late for this special night. It’s always a fun time! Visit the Downtown Overland Park Facebook Page for additional details on Local Life Night.

Donation Guidelines

We DO Accept:

We DO NOT Accept:

7916 Santa Fe Dr. Overland Park, KS 66204

Become an advocate for positive change in our community. Help us provide unique employment opportunities for adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities.